Ahmet Imrali |
Tissue Bank Technician |
Ahmet joined our tissue bank in 2016 and his role as a senior tissue bank technician is to
maintain and ensure that tissue bank samples are collected and stored precisely.
He also develops high quality human tissue specimens and tissue derivatives such as organoids
as well as new protocols and techniques for our tissue bank. |
Catherine McMaster-Christie |
Tissue Bank Coordinator |
Catherine worked for PCRFTB as a tissue collection officer for 2 years while working for the
BCI tissue banks since 2019, consenting patients and collecting blood/tissue samples.
She is currently maternity cover in the role of Tissue Bank Coordinator at the Bart’s site,
helping to coordinate tissue collection and facilitating research. |
Christine Hughes |
Quality Assurance Monitor |
Christine has worked for the PCRFTB since Feb 2018, when she conducted pancreatic cancer research using tissue bank samples. Prior to this, she was a tissue bank technician within the same institute.
In 2020, Christine was coordinator for the PCRFTB and now works on the quality assurance aspect of the
Claude Chelala |
Co-PI |
Prof Chelala joined Barts Cancer Institute driven by a high motivation to translate her
work from a substantial basic/computational research platform into a translational/patient setting.
She established a research team with complementary expertise in translational bioinformatics,
health data science, molecular biology, databases and software engineering.
She leads the Health Informatics and Bioinformatics for PCRFTB. |
Abu Dayem Ullah |
Honorary Researcher |
Dr Dayem Ullah joined PCRFTB in 2015 as the founder data architect of PCRFTB, and developed the data entry
and retrieval system for the biobank. He is currently working as a senior CAP-AI Digital Fellow at the
University, while involved in several research projects driven by clinical data at the PCRFTB. |
Rhiannon Roberts |
Tissue Bank Coordinator |
Rhiannon is the current tissue bank coordinator, helping to coordinate tissue collection across PCRFTB centres
and facilitating research. Rhiannon started working with PCRFTB in 2017. |